Tuesday, September 10, 2013

We left Gros Morne on Sunday the 8th and traveled to the center of Newfoundland to their second national park, Terra Nova. It is pretty here, but this park is much more on the level of a state park. It has lots of kid's playgrounds, kid's activities and family activities, except we are out of the season so we just get to enjoy nature with very few other people around.

 One reason we came here was to go a little east to the Bonavista peninsula where I had read about the Skerwink trail. This trail goes around the trinity point and is about 5.5 Kilometers long. Here are some of the images that make it a famous trail.

Afterward our hike we drove out to the end of the Bonavista Peninsula. This is maybe where John Cabot landed in 1497 while on a voyage of discovery  for the British. He was actually an Italian named  Zuan Chabotto.  This statue commemorates his landing. 

Point he is said to have landed on. 
We also saw this collapsed sea cave, leaving the 2 arches that were openings.

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